Monoculture of the Mind

Vang Anh Tran



The project speculates a commune of a farming cooperative, in northern Vietnam, which operates on a new land trust policy on ‘abandoned farm fields’ of the northern Vietnam to subvert the state’s definition of what a productive agricultural land is. The commune proposes the formation by small pockets plantations that organises around permacultural methods and aggro-ecology. It will look into how re-use found on site soil to build the homes with rammed earth construction. Speculating a closed loop system of remediating and building with soil. Bringing into question how do we form kinship between the land we repair, remediate and grow with the spaces we inhabit. Monoculture of the Mind speculates on a post monocultural landscape of northern Vietnam. How do we remediate soil marred by the colonial monocultural practices and fragmented by socialist land policies and collectivisation. How do we slow down and rethink our extractive relationship to our land, our home and our soil?

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